By popular demand, we have created a blog for the DFW FiberFest in the hopes that we can communicate better with you.
Here's a picture of what we looked like one day before last year's FiberFest, trying to sort through lots of yarn for goody bags and raffles. You've heard of Where's Waldo? Well, here's our version...Where's Jerry?
Oh--at first I thought that was someone's stash!
Where IS Jerry? Behind the camera?
Note that we did NOT set up a uniform or any plan to dress in similar colours.......
(Molly wanted to take some of that for her stash. It will give us goody bags and raffle prizes for years to come!)
Jerry is in the picture...look carefully. He kind of blends in with the yarn.
That was pretty funny that we wore the same color scheme coincidentally.
Is there a phone contact number or email address we can use to check on our registrations or change a class?
Right now, our only contact point is the e-mail address on the website:
We would like vender information on the FiberFest. We had a booth last year with Hollowing Holf. We sold knitting looms and hand made woven shawls. If someone could send us booth size ,cost and registration we would appreciate the help. Thank you
Shirley Wells
Shirley - We will get back with you ASAP. Be checking your e-mail box.
Could you also send me the vendor information as well, via my website contact page. I hate putting my email out in plain site.
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